

【美国】大学暑期课程 Summer Course解读

2016/04/19 16:28:07 澳际教育 编辑: 浏览次数:1061 移动端
暑期课程,又称Summer Course或者Summer Session, 是美国大学在面临越来越多国际学生的同时,提前给与国际学生一定的机会来体验名校的授课环境或者是获取一部分学分。
其中分为Credit 和Non-credit,Credit的课程可以在为期大约一个月的学习之后,获得相应的证书,以及一个科目的学分,通常情况下,Credit课程会对托福有一定的要求。Non-Credit为纯体验式学习,可供国际生熟悉美国校园环境,提高口语能力,通常无语言要求。

○签证容易, 可以增加良好的历史签证记录

Columbia University
Dear XXX,
Congratulations! I am happy to inform you that you have been admitted to Columbia University-Summer Program for High School Students. Although we were not able to admit you to your course of choice, we believe that you are well-qualified student and would be a great addition to the program. Consequently, we have admitted you to:
Session 2 With Housing
Language and Identity
This document serves as your official acceptance letter. Once you have discussed your summer plans with your family, you will need to return to the online application system to complete and submit the Enrollment Form along with the $500 nonrefundable deposit within 5 days of receiving this letter. If you choose not to attend the program, please inform us by filling out the top portion of the Enrollment Form. To review tuition, fees, and payment deadlines for the program, please click here.
It is imperative that you submit the Enrollment Form and deposit as soon as possible in order to reserve your place in the program. Please note that once the Enrollment Form has been submitted your selections cannot be changed. For this reason, be sure to review the form carefully and ensure it is accurate before submitting. Upon submission, further instructions will be emailed to you regarding your enrollment.
I congratulate you on your admission to the Summer Program for High School Students and look
forward to seeing you here on campus.
Sincerely Yours

澳际成都分支 美国留学专家 杨婧老师(在线咨询)


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