


2016/06/17 16:04:08 澳际教育 编辑: 浏览次数:1362 移动端

那我们如何为作文考试做准备呢?我这里说的不是单纯的英文命题作文,而是考试里要求500字-1000字答案长度的题目。除了英文的写作,很多文科学生都会碰到essay questions,那我们该如何为essay questions做充分的准备呢?最重要的一点是我们不能做一个被动的学生,上课的时候要积极主动,好好做课堂笔记,那样才能准确把握课程的重点,因而 推测出老师可能考你的题目。作文考试不像你平时的写作,你有时间限制,所以需要掌握一些技巧性的东西。

  • Relax. Never begin writing immediately. Instead, take a deep breath and let it out slowly to relax and focus your thoughts.
  • Read. Read the test from beginning to end without skimming, so that you understand the questions completely. If you have a choice among topics, and equal credit is given to each, select the topics you know the most about.
  • Plan your time. If the instructor indicates what percentage of your grade each question will affect, allot your time to your greatest advantage。
  • Underline cue words. These words tell you what you must do in your essay. Look for words such as analyze, classify, and criticize. An essay question might read like this:
    注意提示性单词。这些单词告诉你怎么写你的essay. 注意一些单词类似analyze, classify, criticize. (列表总结在最后)Essay question示例如下:
    Analyze Socrates' discussion of "good life" and "good death." 分析苏格拉底的"美好的生活”以及“美好的死亡”。
    [separate the concepts of "good life" and "good death" into parts and discuss each part.]
  • Circle key content words. Look for keywords or major terms in a statement or question. An essay question might ask:
    Justify the existence of labor unions in the Canadian economy.证实加拿大经济中工会的存在性。
    [The key content words are labor unions and Canadian economy.]
  • Use the time fully. The best writers use every second available to write and polish. 一分一秒也不要放过,检查,检查,再检查。润色,润色,再润色。

Separate into parts and discuss each[分成几个部分讨论]
CLASSIFY Arrange in groups based on shared
characteristics or functions[ 以特性和功能分类]
COMPARE Show similarities and differences[比较相似和不同之处]
CRITICIZE Give your opinion and explain why you approve or Disapprove of something[给出你的观点,解释你为什么赞同,为什么反对]
DEFINE Tell what something is to differentiate it from similar
DISCUSS Consider in an organized way the various issues or elements involved[系统性的考虑不同的因素和问题]
EXPLAIN Make clear a complex thing or process that needs to be
illuminated or interpreted[弄清楚一件复杂的事情或过程]
INTERPRET Explain the meaning of something[解释某物的意思]
REVIEW Evaluate or summarize critically[评估或辩证的总结]
SUPPORT Argue in favor of something[因支持某事而辩论]


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