


2017/02/17 17:53:28 澳际教育 编辑: 浏览次数:1490 移动端

点金事务所(Golden Touch)移民团队指出,该项目属于雇主担保类的移民项目,申请人需要申请人需要得到有效的雇主信,才可以申请。虽然该项目下的雇主无须经过繁琐的加拿大劳工部获取LMIA劳动力市场影响力评估批文,但是雇主需要给申请人提供必要的安家居住计划(Settlement Plan)。此外,该移民团队同时指出,有意通过该计划雇用外国技术工人的雇主,需要先向当地省政府申请,且只有满足相关条件的雇主才有资格申请。


该项目计划将于2017年3月开始接受申请,加拿大政府今年接纳最多2,000名移民申请,其中Nova Scotia占800个名额。Atlantic Immigration Pilot 要求(中英对照详细解析)如下。







Atlantic High-Skilled Program 


一、工作经历Work Experience



Not need any work experience



  1. 在海洋四省认可的教育机构,完成为期2年的教育课程;

  2. 作为全职(Full-time)学生,在加拿大全职学习至少两年;

  3. 申请时,毕业时间不超过一年;

  4. 在毕业前的两年内,在海洋省生活至少16个月;

  5. 持有有效的签证和学习或工作许可;

  6. 语言课程或远程课程不能超过总课程的一半;

  1. A minimum 2 year degree, diploma, certificate, or trade or apprenticeship credential from a recognized publicly-funded institution in an Atlantic province 

  2. Been a full-time student in Canada for at least 2 years 

  3. Graduated in the last 12 months when you apply 

  4. Lived in one of the Atlantic provinces for at least 16 months in the last 2 years before you graduated 

  5. Had the visa or permit needed to work, study or train in Canada 

  6. Your study or training program cannot be: English or French second language courses for more than half of the program, or distance learning undertaken for more than half the length of the program


三、雇主信Job Offer

  1. 需由海洋省合格的特定的雇主提供

  2. 工作岗位需符合NOC 0, A, B, or C要求;

  3. 非季节性的工作;

  4. 至少一年的工作邀请;

  5. 无需申请LMIA

  1. Job offer is from a designated employer in an Atlantic province, non-seasonal, reviewed by the province

  2. Be skill type/level 0, A, B, or C 

  3. Last at least one year job offer

  4. Not need a LMIA



CLB 4分或以上水平 或 雅思G类别4分或以上水平(听4.5说4读3.5写4)

At least a level four (4) in the Canadian Language Benchmarks in English


五、资金要求Proof of Funds


You will need to show that you have enough money to support yourself and your family after you immigrate


六、居住计划Settlement Plan


Must have a needs assessment before you immigrate. After the assessment, you will get a plan. Settlement Plan provides by  local settlement service provider.


七、政府认可证明Endorsement certificate


Provincial Letter of endorsement is required.






Atlantic Intermediate-Skilled Program 




一、工作经历Work Experience


  1. 在过去的3年内,累计有偿工作满1560个小时(30小时/周);

  2. 全职、兼职皆可;

  3. 可受雇于不同的雇主,但需是同一类别的工作;

  4. 工作类别需符合NOC 0, A, B, or C要求。

  1. Worked at least one year (1,560 hours total or 30 hours per week) within the last three years. 

  2. Can be full-time, non-continuous, or part-time, as long as it adds up to 1,560 hours. 

  3. The work must be: in one occupation (but can be with different employers) paid at NOC skill type/level 0, A, B, or C.




A Canadian secondary (high school) or post-secondary certificate, diploma or degree, OR A foreign degree, diploma, certificate, or trade or apprenticeship education credential. Educational Credential Assessment (ECA) report is required. 


三、雇主信Job Offer

  1. 需由海洋省合格的特定的雇主提供

  2. 工作岗位需符合NOC 0, A, B, or C要求;

  3. 非季节性的工作;

  4. 至少一年的工作邀请;

  5. 无需申请LMIA

  1. Job offer is from a designated employer in an Atlantic province, non-seasonal, reviewed by the province

  2. Be skill type/level 0, A, B, or C 

  3. Be indeterminate (permanent) job offer

  4. Not need a LMIA

  5. Job offer does not need to be in the same occupation as your past work experience



CLB 4分或以上水平 或 雅思G类别4分或以上水平(听4.5说4读3.5写4)

At least a level four (4) in the Canadian Language Benchmarks in English or the Niveaux de compétence linguistique canadiens in French


五、资金要求Proof of Funds


You will need to show that you have enough money to support yourself and your family after you immigrate


六、居住计划Settlement Plan


Must have a needs assessment before you immigrate. After the assessment, you will get a plan. Settlement Plan provides by  local settlement service provider.


七、政府认可证明Endorsement certificate


Provincial Letter of endorsement is required.






Atlantic High-Skilled Program 




一、工作经历Work Experience

  1. 在过去的3年内,累计有偿工作满1560个小时(30小时/周);

  2. 全职、兼职皆可;

  3. 可受雇于不同的雇主,但需是同一类别的工作;

  4. 工作类别需符合NOC 0, A, B要求。

  1. Worked at least one year (1,560 hours total or 30 hours per week) within the last three years. 

  2. Can be full-time, non-continuous, or part-time, as long as it adds up to 1,560 hours. 

  3. The work must be: in one occupation (but can be with different employers) paid at NOC skill type/level 0, A, or B.




A Canadian secondary (high school) or post-secondary certificate, diploma or degree, OR A foreign degree, diploma, certificate, or trade or apprenticeship education credential. Educational Credential Assessment (ECA) report is required. 


三、雇主信Job Offe

  1. 工作岗位需符合NOC 0, A, B要求;

  2. 非季节性的工作;

  3. 至少一年的工作邀请;

  4. 无需申请LMIA

  1. Job offer is from a designated employer in an Atlantic province, non-seasonal, reviewed by the province

  2. Be skill type/level 0, A, or B 

  3. Last at least one year job offer

  4. Not need a LMIA

  5. Job offer does not need to be in the same occupation as your past work experience



CLB 4分或以上水平 或 雅思G类别4分或以上水平(听4.5说4读3.5写4)

At least a level four (4) in the Canadian Language Benchmarks in English or the Niveaux de compétence linguistique canadiens in French


五、资金要求Proof of Funds


You will need to show that you have enough money to support yourself and your family after you immigrate


六、居住计划Settlement Plan


Must have a needs assessment before you immigrate. After the assessment, you will get a plan. Settlement Plan provides by local settlement service provider.


七、政府认可证明Endorsement certificate


Provincial Letter of endorsement is required.


希望这份大西洋移民试验项目Atlantic Immigration Pilot (AIP)的详细分析,可以给正在做未来规划的小伙伴们带来一些指向性建议和帮助。

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