


2017/07/24 11:02:51 澳际教育 编辑: 浏览次数:1048 移动端

在2017年6月底公布的最新澳大利亚技术移民职业列表(MLTSSL)上,共有178个技术移民职业。在仔细分析了每一个职业后,我总结归纳了十个大类的移民类留学专业,并且列出了每一类留学专业所对应的移民职业和职业评估机构。在这里,我把移民类留学专业定义为通过留学澳大利亚可以通过职业评估并且能够申请技术移民(Skilled Migration)的留学专业。



(1)Accountant (General) 会计


     职业评估机构:CPAA (Certified Practising Accountants Australia)

                   ICAA (Institute of Chartered Accountants of Australia)

                   IPA (Institute of Public Accountants)


(2)Management Accountant 管理会计


     职业评估机构:CPAA (Certified Practising Accountants Australia)

                   ICAA (Institute of Chartered Accountants of Australia)

                   IPA (Institute of Public Accountants)


(3)Taxation Accountant 税务会计


     职业评估机构:CPAA (Certified Practising Accountants Australia)

                   ICAA (Institute of Chartered Accountants of Australia)

                   IPA (Institute of Public Accountants)


(4)External Auditor 外部审计


     职业评估机构:CPAA (Certified Practising Accountants Australia)

                   ICAA (Institute of Chartered Accountants of Australia)

                   IPA (Institute of Public Accountants)


(5)Internal Auditor 内部审计


     职业评估机构:VETASSESS (Vocational Education and Training Assessment Services)


(6)Actuary 精算师


     职业评估机构:VETASSESS (Vocational Education and Training Assessment Services)


(7)Land Economist 土地经济师


     职业评估机构:VETASSESS (Vocational Education and Training Assessment Services)


(8)Valuer 估价师


     职业评估机构:VETASSESS (Vocational Education and Training Assessment Services)


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