


2017/10/05 16:46:14 澳际教育 编辑: 浏览次数:1900 移动端


Behavioral Question 回答思路



  • Situation:这个事件是在怎样的情境下发生的?其中有哪些问题和需求,你又是在什么状态下解决的?

  • Action:描述你在situation中所采取的行动,包括用了哪些技能,有哪些方面是个人能力,有哪些方面是团队协作的结果,找到自己在事件中发挥的作用,并给自己定位。

  • Results:量化这个成果,最后取得了怎样的结果,是否达到了预期目标。



  • Academics,such as class projects (How did you work with others? Lead others?)

  • Sports (Will yourgoal-orientation transfer to your career? What did you learn about being a teamplayer?)

  • Activities (Have you publisheda story, given a speech, or marched in the Cal Band? Were you a leader?)

  • Volunteer, work, or internship experiences (When did your performance exceed expectations? Achieve somethingnew? Make things easier? Save or make money?)


一般来说,对每个问题的回答得控制在2-3分钟以内。在这很短的叙述例子的过程中,你的重点应该是强调Action 和Result,这是面试者最关心的部分。所以在时间分配上,对于Situation和Task你要非常简洁地一笔带过,交代清楚大概的背景就可以了。




Describe a time when you worked in a team. What role did you play?

SITUATION:Last semester, I was part of a team of five people for a group project in my Introduction to Marketing class. We were given an assignmentto develop a marketing strategy for a new line of toys for Mattel. As part ofthe project, we were required to create a 15-page marketing plan by the end ofthe last day of class.


ACTION:I was the team leader, in charge of coordinating all of the group meetings and delegating tasks. I took the initiative to createa meeting schedule so that our group met every Wednesday afternoon, emailed theagenda to each group member prior to our meetings, and kept an Excel spreadsheet of all of the tasks. I also worked on making the team cohesive and supportive of each other by mediating conflicts. To do so, I facilitated discussions, listening to each member, and helping them to work towards a compromise.


RESULT:As a result of my efforts, we finished the project one week ahead of schedule and were chosen as the group with the “most innovative” marketing plan. Also, the number of conflicts between members significantly decreased and we were able to agree upon a marketing plan that satisfied everyone. 

What is your greatest weakness

SITUATION:One area that I have been working on is feeling more comfortable with public speaking. While I have given presentations in class onseveral occasions, I noticed that I do get more nervous than I would like when speaking in front of large groups of people.

ACTION:For this reason, I took the initiative to join the Debate Society at my university to get more experience with public speaking. I recently participated in a regional debate competition where I helped my team win second place. 

RESULT:Because of my experience in the Debate Society I have felt less nervous and more con dent about speaking in public and feel that this position would be a good thing for me because I could continue to develop my communication skills. 

有一位导师说过:“我觉得面试过不了特别奇怪,面试都是可以准备的,反而简历才是最难通过的,至少经历了一定的训练后,通过率能达到95%,可惜的是大部分同学都不知道该怎么准备....眼看着很多背景很好的同学无缘dream offer。”




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