


2018/06/15 20:02:03 编辑: 浏览次数:1668 移动端



Agree or Disagree:

A job with more vacation time but a low salary is better than a job with a high salary but less vacation time.

高薪少假 vs. 低薪长假


Ideally, everybody’s dream job would be one that pays well and at the same time, has a lot of vacation time. However, in the cold, hard reality, we often have to choose between high salary and vacation time when we just enter the work force. I, personally, would choose the former.

To begin with, less vacation time would only be a temporary phase, but still a necessary one. I say that our final goal is to earn a lot of money, but simultaneously, have a lot of free time to travel, or to do other things that we want. But, how can we get there? The answer is that we still have to strive for it. We have to learn constantly, even after graduation. Many of my senior classmates, parents, relatives, and teachers tell me the importance of life-long learning. They would say that graduation is the starting point of life. So naturally, if you want to learn and grow fast, you should practice more, strive harder, and constantly reflect on what you are doing. To get more practice opportunities, of course, you should get a job that provides you with a stage.

Of the two kinds mentioned in the above statement, it is obvious that a job with high pay and less vacation offers you more opportunities to gain experience. Allow me to point out some simple facts. With a normal job, which starts from 9 and ends at 6, an employee works 8 hours a day, 40 hours per week, 2000 hours per year. With a high pay job, however, overtime is always expected. People with higher salaries often works from 9 to 10, or worse. Accordingly, these people might work 14 hours per day, 80 hours per week, 4000 hours per year, which is just equivalent to two people’s workload in a low paid job. In theory, the latter would grow and gain experience twice as fast as the former. What’s more, growing faster brings even more opportunities. Management always love young people with great potential and ambition, and thus would give them more opportunities and responsibilities. The rewards of choosing a high pay job is not linear in regards to the amount of time you invest. The rewards increase exponentially.

Based on the reasons above, I choose jobs with higher pay but less vacation time.

简单说一下自己这篇文章的写作思路。开篇中规中矩的开头段。上过强化班的同学都知道开头段的三要素:背景引入、改写题中观点、提出自己观点。笔者首先拿所有人的梦想中工作,所谓活少钱多型工作,做了个简单引入。第二句,使用简单副词However转折,随后立即引出并改写题中观点。最后第三句,简练陈述自己观点 – 高薪少假的工作更好。



基本上,大家看第一个主体段会发现,笔者在论证的是,想得到高薪长假的工作,一定要奋斗。而第二个主体段在论证的是,高薪少假的工作给我们更多奋斗和锻炼的机会。多到什么程度呢?比低薪长假的工作多一倍。(2000小时vs. 4000小时部分)所以我们成长的也更快。

写到这里时,笔者又想到自己以前在会计师事务所加班的经历。通常加班猛的员工会得到老板的欣赏,因此也会被给予更多的机会和责任。所以便有了第二个主体段的第二个细节点What’s more的部分。这部分后来一共只写了50个字。这是因为笔者发现自己已经写够了近400字,所以觉得没有必要再进一步展开了。如果想进一步展开的话,这里最后完全可以再加一个个人经历的example来支持自己前面的观点。(高薪少假工作有更多的机会)如果真的是在考场上,时间已经所剩无几的话,那么此时就是开启结尾段之时。因此,后来直接all in all, 简单一句陈述结论:我选择高薪少假的工作。


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