


2018/06/20 16:51:23 澳际教育 编辑: 浏览次数:2290 移动端

蒙纳士大学对以下专业入学要求变化: Master of Business B6005 2019年2月入学的新申请,将按照至少75分均分的录取要求审核。 - 之前的有效offer按原要求保持不变。 - 2018年6月1日后递交的所有新申请将按照新的入学要求进行评估。 Master of Applied Finance B6003 从2019年第一学期起,Master of Applied Finance将改名为Master of Advanced Finance,学制从1.5年改为2年。 - 所有已经接受有效的offer还是保持1.5年学制不变,但学生会收到可以更改为2年学制的邮件做选择。 - 2018年5月31日前递交的申请将会自动评估为2年学制。如果学生要求1.5年学制也可以提出申请。 详细信息请查看下方邮件正文。

Dear Agent Representatives, I am writing to advise you that the Faculty of Business and Economics has recently undertaken a review of their course portfolio and as part of this review, the following changes will be implemented from Semester 1, 2019 intake onwards. Master of Business B6005 The entry requirement for the Master of Business will be increased from 55 WAM (High Pass) to 60 WAM (Credit). 

       All accepted and valid offers will be honoured with the high pass requirement 55 WAM (High Pass). 

       All new applications submitted from 1st of June 2018 will be assessed based on the new entry requirement of 60 WAM (Credit). Master of Applied Finance B6003 From Semester 1, 2019, Master of Applied Finance will have a name change to Master of Advanced Finance as well as a change in the duration of the course from 1.5 years (72 credit points) to 2 years (96 credit points). 

       All accepted and valid offers will be honoured with the 1.5 years duration. o   Students will be sent an email with the option to change into the 2 years duration program if they wish. 

     Any applications submitted up to the 31st of May 2018 will be automatically assessed into the 2 years duration. However if a student wishes to remain in the 1.5 years duration, a request can be made for this change.


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