


2015/11/07 12:12:07 澳际教育 编辑: 浏览次数:1534 移动端
Portfolio: Your portfolio should showcase your strongest work and convey an understanding of your creative research practice. Portfolios must be submitted online through an additional application process in SlideRoom. Applicants must submit 12 to 20 media files (images and/or videos). As part of the media upload process, and tied to individual files, you must provide additional details (title, date, media, contextual information, etc.) through “Label Media” to frame the work samples. This will help reviewers understand and appreciate your work.
Prepare your files to fit the SlideRoom requirements. Images should be in JPEG (.jpg or .jpeg) format and cannot exceed 5mb per file. Please do not submit your images or portfolio as a PDF. Be sure to keep images large enough, without needless compression, such that they can be properly viewed. Videos can come in multiple formats (.m4v, .mov, .mp4, .wmv, .mpeg, or .mpg) and cannot exceed 60mb per file. It is also possible to link to external YouTube or Vimeo video files. Website links can be included in the Statement of Intent.
Applicants are asked to provide some basic information in the SlideRoom interface, including the MFA program to which you are applying. This declaration should match your application on the university site. SlideRoom provides a confirmation screen at the successful completion of the portfolio submission process.
Portfolio: The portfolio should demonstrate your knowledge and abilities in the field Design. You may include up to 20 images of your design work, saved as one PDF. The document should also include a cover sheet (with your full name and the UW MDes program) and an image list. The PDF document should not exceed 50MB in size. If you wish to include web design, animation, or video content as part of your portfolio, insert links to these sources within your portfolio document. Such content should be limited to no more than two links in addition to the portfolio itself.
Online Portfolio Access: The PDF portfolio is not uploaded to the University of Washington. Instead, you will be prompted during the online graduate application process to provide a link to your web-based portfolio. You will be responsible for making sure that the link is active through the end of Winter quarter.
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