

口语换题季 part1 大集合

2017/09/30 17:58:41 澳际教育 编辑: 浏览次数:1842 移动端


  part 1

  vegetables and fruits

  what’s your favorite vegetable and fruits?

  how often do you eat fruit?

  are there any special fruits in your hometown?

  should we eat vegetables every day?

  text messages

  do you text someone if he doesn’t answer your phone?

  is there any chance when texting someone is better than calling him?

  have you ever had difficulty replying?

  how often do you send text messages?


  what’s the most popular means of transportation in your hometown?

  how often do you take buses?

  can you compare the advantages of planes and trains?

  is driving to work popular in your country?

  do you think people will drive more in the future?

  would you ride bikes to work in the future?

  what will become the most popular transportation in China?

  do you prefer public transportation or private one?


  do you like to watch sports on TV?

  do you play any sports?

  do you have a favorite sports star?

  what’s the most popular sports in China?

  what kinds of sports would you like to try in the future?

  have you ever tried any dangerous sports?


  when did you start learning math?

  do you like math?

  who taught you math?

  who’s your favorite teacher so far?

  is math difficult for you to learn?

  do you like to use a calculator?


  do you like to watch films?

  do you prefer foreign films or Chinese film?

  how often do you go to a cinema to watch a movie?

  what kind of movies do you like best?

  what was the first film that you watched?

  forgetting about things

  what do you remember to do every day?

  what helps people to remember things?

  why do old people forget about things easily?

  have you ever forgotten something important?


  what do you think of happiness?

  what do you like to do when you are happy?

  what kinds of things make you happy?

  what kinds of things do Chinese people feel happy about?

  is it easy to be happy for you ?

  mobile phone

  how often do you use mobile phone?

  can you describe your mobile phone?

  what was your first mobile phone?

  would you buy a new one in the future?

  how has your mobile phone change your life?


  what kind of housing do you live in?

  do you live in a house or a flat?

  who do you live with?

  how long have you lived there?

  do you plan to live there for a long time?

  can you describe the place where you live?

  which room does your family spend most time in?

  what do you usually do in your house?

  are the transport facilities to your home very good/

  do you prefer living in a house or a flat?

  please describe the room you live in?

  what part of your home do you like most?

  friendship (strike a relationship)

  how do people meet others and make friends?

  do you think it is easy for people to make friends at work?

  is it important for people to have good relationships with colleagues at their workplace?

  would you say the students have a good relationship with each other?

  how would you describe a good relationship?

  do you ever help a friend by giving advice?


  do you like to collect anything?

  how much time do you spend on your collection?

  would you keep your collection in the future?

  why do people keep old things?

  what kinds of things do Chinese people like to collect?


  what clothes do you usually like to wear?

  do you wear the same clothes at school and at home?

  will you change your clothes when you go home today?

  did you have any special clothes to wear when you were a child?

  did you like them?


  do you often listen to music?

  when do you listen to music?

  how much time do you spend listening to music every day?

  what’s kinds of music do you like to listen to?

  what’s your favorite kind of music?

  how often do you listen to that type of music?

  when did you start?

  where do yo listen to it?

  how do you feel when..?

  have you ever been to a musical performance?

  have you ever learned to play a musical instrument?

  is music an important subject at school in China?

  did you often listen to music when you were a child?

  what’s kind of music are popular in China?


  are there many museums in your hometown?

  do you think museums are useful for visitors to your hometown?

  do you often visit a museum?

  did you go to any museums when you were a child?

  when was the last time you visited a museum?

  do you think museums are important?

  do you think it is suitable for museums to sell things to visitors?

  letters or emails

  do you write many letters or emails?

  who do you usually write to?

  do you prefer to write letters by hand or to use a computer?

  how often do you write an email or a letter?

  what are the differences between emails and letters?

  is it hard to think of what to write?

  what kinds of letters or emails are the hardest to write?

  how do you feel when you receive a letter or email?

  what sorts of letters or emails are the most difficult to reply?

  what kinds of email or l make you excited?

  which do you prefer, to make a phone call or write an email?

  do you think people will still write letters in the future?

  how do you communicate with other s at work--by email or face to face communication?

  leisure activity/relax

  what do you do in your spare time?

  what do you do to relax?

  how do you usually spend your evenings?

  what do you usually do after work?

  do you prefer to stay at home or going out in the evenings?

  do you think modern lifestyles give people enough time for leisure?

  do you think it is important for people to have leisure time?

  do old people and young people spend their leisure time in the same way?

  what do you think are the advantages and disadvantages about having leisure time?

  how do people in your country spend their holidays?

  do you like travel in your holidays?

  if you had a child, what leisure places would you go to with your child?


  what’s your hometown?

  is that a big city or a small place?

  please describe your hometown a little.

  how long have you been living there?

  do you like your hometown?

  do you like living there?

  what do you like most about your hometown?

  is there anything you dislike about it?

  do you think you will continue living there for a long time?


  do you like reading books?why or why not?

  what books do you like to read?

  did you read much when you were a child?

  what books did you read?

  for children, what do you think are the benefits of reading?

  what do you think are the benefits of reading to children?

  public holidays

  what public holidays do you have in your country?

  do people on your country celebrate Christmas?

  do you like public holidays?

  which public holidays do you like the most?

  what did you do during the last public holidays?

  what do other people in your country usually do on public holidays?

  what would you like to do during the next public holiday?

  do you think public holidays are important?

  do you think there should be more public holidays in your country?


  are you interested in the news?

  why do you want to know the latest news?

  how important is it to you to get the news everyday?

  what sort of news are you most interested in?

  how do you usually find this news?

  do you prefer to read newspapers or watch TV to get your news?

  do you ever get your news from the internet?

  do you read newspapers?

  what sections of newspapers do you usually read?

  do u think newspapers are important?

  besides newspapers, what are some other ways people get news?

  how important do you think the news is?

  which do you think is more important, domestic news or international news?

  would u say the news affect your life so much?

  are old people and young people interested in the same news?


  do you often read newspapers?

  which do you prefer, reading magazines or newspapers?

  what kinds of newspapers do you usually read?

  how old were you when you first started to read newspapers?

  do you think it is important to read newspapers?

  what different types of newspaper are there in China?

  do you care about the news?

  do you prefer to read about domestic/local news or international news?

  what influence do you think newspapers have on society?

  what are some methods that newspapers use to attract readers?

  do you think the internet is a good way to get news?


  who gave you your name?

  does your name have any particular meaning?

  do you like your name?

  in your country, do people feel that their name is very important?

  would you like to change you name?

  is it easy to change your name in your country?

  who usually names babies in your country?

  do you have any special traditions about naming children?

  what names are most common in your hometown?

  time management

  are you good at organizing time?

  how do you usually organize time?

  do you think planning is important for time management?

  why do you think some people pay to learn time management?

  do you think children should learn to manage time?

  why do some people find it hard to follow their plans?

  how would you teach your children time management?

  do old people and young people manage time in similar way?


  do you have a favorite teacher?

  why do you like the teacher?

  how does this teacher help you?

  do you think you could be a teacher?

  would you like to be a teacher?


  do you like to watch the sky?

  what is the sky like at night in your hometown?

  do you like to watch stars?

  have you ever taken a course about stars?

  is it important to study stars?

  what’s your favorite star?


  how many hours do you sleep every day?

  is it necessary to take a nap every day?

  do old people sleep a lot? why?

  how to have a good sleep?

  do you like to get up early in the morning?

  can you sleep well if you are in a noisy environment?


  so you like going shopping?

  do you spend much when you go shopping?

  what do you usually buy when you go shopping?

  would you like to work in a shopping centre?


  how do you usually spend your weekends?

  in your country, do men and women usually do the same kinds of things on weekends?

  when do you spend time with your family?

  what do you usually do on weekends?

  what did you do last weekend?

  what do other people in your hometown usually do on weekends?

  what are you going to do next weekend?

  is there anything new that you would like to do on weekends?

  do you like working on weekends?

  do you think employees should have to work on weekends?

  do you feel that weekends now are more important to you than when you were a child.


  what’s the weather like today?

  what kind of weather do you like best?

  what’s your favorite weather?

  what do you usually do during your favorite weather?

  what’s the weather like in your hometown?

  do you like the weather?

  how often is the weather good in your hometown?

  what did you do the last time the weather was good?

  are there any bad points about the weather in your city?

  what is the typical weather in china like?

  have there been any changes the weather over the past few years?

  how does the weather affect people?

  does the weather ever affect what you do?

  how does the weather affect people?

  how do you feel when the weather is cloudy?

  do you always pay attention to the weather forecast?

  can you give any examples of unusual weather?

  do you like snow?

  would u prefer to live in a place that has just one warm season that lasts the whole year or a place with different seasons?

  do people play the same sports in different seasons of the year?


  do you like trees?

  are there any important trees in your country?

  is there a forest near your hometown?

  would you like to live in a place that has lots of trees?

  where can one find trees in your country?

  do you think places with trees attract more visitors than places with few trees?

  did you ever climb trees when you were a child?

  have you ever planted a tree?

  do you think more people should plant trees?

  do you think we should plant more trees?

  do you think trees are important?

  what would you say are the benefits of having trees?

  do you think we need to protect trees?


  how much TV do you watch?

  what’s your favorite TV program?

  did you watch much TV when you were a child?

  what programs did you watch when you were a child?

  do you think television has changed since you were a child?

  do you think television has changed in the past few decades?

  do you think television has changed since you were a child?

  has television changed your life in any way?

  visitors to your home

  do you like visitors coming to your home?

  how often do you have visitors to your home?

  when someone visits you, how do you usually show hospitality?

  what kinds of manners do you expect your home visitors to have?

  do you bring gifts when you visit others?

  do you like to visit other people?

  work or studies?

  your work

  what work do you do?

  why did you choose to do that type of work?

  do you like your job?

  is it very interesting?

  do you miss being a student?

  your studies

  what subjects are you studying?

  why did you choose those subjects?

  do you like your subject?

  is it very interesting?

  are you looking forward to working?

  do you prefer to study in the mornings or in the afternoons?


  do you like swimming?

  is it difficult to learn how to swim?

  where do Chinese like to go swimming?

  what’s the difference between swimming in the pool and swimming in the sea?

  Social network

  what kinds of social networking websites do you like to use?

  are you a social person?

  what kinds of people do you like to be friends with on those websites?

  is it easy to find real friends on a social networking websites?

  what kinds of chatting app or software do chinese people like to use?


  what kinds of snacks do you like to eat?

  is it healthy to eat snacks?

  do your parents allow you to eat snacks?

  what was the most popular snack when you were young?

  what kinds of snacks do children in your country like to eat nowadays?


  do you like to take photographs? why?

  do you prefer to take photos yourself or to have other people take photos? why?

  how long have you liked taking photography?

  how did you become interested in photography? why?

  how often do you take photographs?

  in what situations do you take photographs?

  what kinds of photograph do you like to take? why?

  do you prefer to take pictures of people or of scenery?

  who do you keep your photos?

  how do you keep your photos?

  do you keep your photographs on your computer?

  are there any photos on the walls of your home?

  do you frame any of your photos? why?

  do you prefer to send postcards to people or to send photos that you took yourself? why?


  How often do you dance?

  Is dancing difficult to learn?

  Would you learn dancing in the future?

  Where do Chinese people like to go dancing?

  Did you like to dance wehn you were a child?

  being in a hurry

  when was the last time you did sth in a hurry?

  do you like to finish things quickly?

  what kinds of things will you never do in a hurry?

  why do people make mistakes more easily when they are in a hurry?


  How often do you use computer?

  what kinds of computers are popular in China?

  What do you usually use your computer for?

  Who taught you how to use a computer?

  Do you think computer has changed your life a lot?


  Do you like to collect things made by hand?

  Did you ever take handicraft lessons at school?

  Are handcrafts popular in China?

  Do you think children should learn more about handcraft?

  Do you think handcraft are meaningful activities?


  Are there many public gardens in China?

  Are those very important?

  what do you think are the benefits of having gardens in the city?

  Do you think the government should spend more money on public gardens for the cities or for the villages and small towns in the countryside?

  Do this gardens play the same role for old people and young people?

  Do you think gardens have any value for children?

  Do they prefer to grow flowers or vegetables?


  Do you like science?

  Are there any science museums in your hometown?

  Did you like science classed when you were young?

  Do you think schoolchildren should both study art and science?

  Do you think science is important to our society?

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