

‘TIKTOK’... What to do with time management when it comes to finals!

2016/01/29 11:15:55 澳际教育 编辑: 浏览次数:509 移动端

  最近朋友圈各种晒final熬夜的孩子们,个个都在抱怨资料太多,reference看多了都不知道在看什么了,大部分的都在抱怨时间跟不上。时间金贵,大家的时间似乎永远都像长不胖的钱包一样,紧缩得很。在college finals时, 时间管理技巧至关重要。那么,问题来了——如何做好考试周的时间管理呢?在线咨询

  Step One: Get some sleep. When things get rough, sleep often gets cut out of your schedule. That paper and lab report have to be done by tomorrow morning, so ... no sleep tonight, right? Wrong. Not getting enough sleep in college can actually cost you more time in the long run. Your brain will run slower, you'll be more likely to get sick, you'll be less able to handle stress, and -- oh yeah -- you'll be super tired all the time. So even if it seems counter-intuitive, invest some time in getting some quality zzzz's. There's always a few ways to get a little more sleep in school, no matter how hectic your schedule might seem. 所以,高质量的论文一定是基于头脑清醒时写出的,打架的睡眠一定要保证好哦!

  Step Two: Prioritize often. Keep a running list -- in your head, on your laptop, on your phone, in the cloud -- of the major projects and tasks that you're managing during finals week. Adjust it as often as necessary and refer to it when you're feeling stressed about all the things you have to do. If you feel overwhelmed, just focus on the top 1 or 2 items. You can only do so many things at once, so focusing on the most important can help you feel like you're accomplishing something instead of worrying about everything else you should be doing. 做事情一定要有先后顺序,优先完成任务单上排名前列的事情。

  Step Three: Leave extra time, just in case. As hard and as much as you might try to plan every detail of your college life, sometimes things just happen. You get sick; your laptop crashes; your roommate loses your keys; your car breaks down. Leave as much time as you can each day during finals week for flex time. 不怕一万,只怕万一。难免有时候很多事情会让我们手足无措,所以为了避免事发突然带来的不良后果,大家一定要在做好的日程表中添加额外的时间。

  Step Four: Schedule time to relax. Finals can be incredibly, surprisingly stressful, and you may not realize just how much it's taking a toll on you until it's over. The mental stress, workload, lack of sleep, and importance of everything you have to do can sometimes feel overwhelming. Fortunately, one of the best things you can do to clear your mind is to just let it relax. Scheduling some down time can actually save you time, since you'll be mentally recharged and more efficient afterward. Take 20 minutes to read a gossip magazine in the campus coffee shop; get some exercise while listening to music instead of trying to read; go play a pick-up game with some friends. Let your brain take a break so it can go back to being a workhorse instead of just an exhausted lump of mush. 有句话说得好:work hard,play hard. 在大家泣血苦读时,一定也要合理匀出时间来放松自己,让大脑注入新鲜空气哦!

  Step Five: Don't depend on quick fixes. Caffeine, energy drinks, and other stimulants can be tempting to use when you can feel that you're burned out. Unfortunately, short-term fixes can end up costing you more time than they save you, which can be especially dangerous during finals week. Instead of slamming an energy shot, take the few extra minutes it takes to eat some protein and veggies. It'll taste better, you'll feel better, and you won't find yourself in a jam in a little while. And while coffee can be a great pick-me-up in the morning or afternoon, it shouldn't be your main food group during finals week. 想到我在英国的那些日子,每次一到写论文时候就要买一杯星巴克。当然也有咖啡不抵用时,我就会买外国版的‘红牛’,也就是‘Monster’.

  Step Six: Ask for help when you need it. Asking for help is pretty much par for the course during a college student's life. It's a rare student who can make it through four (or more) years of college-level work without needing a little help now and then. Consequently, don't be afraid to ask for some assistance when you need it -- especially if it's during a time as critical as finals week. There are lots of places to ask for help and many of them have extra resources to deal with the increased need for assistance during the end of a semester. 在国内学习可能大家习惯了各自努力,而出门在外,特别是面对繁重的课业时大家一定要互相帮助,自己一定不会吃亏。(但是友情提醒: 抄袭在国外学术中是重罪,所以要注意帮助的方式哦)

  Step Seven: Avoid unproductive time wasters. Can spending a few minutes on YouTube be a good break? Definitely. But spending two hours there can be a major problem when you're in the middle of finals. Your brain may need a break, but just remember to be smart about how you're using your time. If you really want to do something mindless, use your time wisely and try to multitask when and if you can. If YouTube is calling your name, for example, do your laundry at the same time so you can feel (and actually be!) productive when you get back to your more important tasks.近朱者赤,近墨者黑。有的同学是很容易被人影响的,特别是在国外倍感孤独时,会希望有人陪着自己完成不同的任务。在选择队友的时候,大家爱一定要选择能真正帮助你,提高你学习效率的朋友哦,这样才能平安度过考试周。

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