

艾莫瑞大学Emory college and oxford college的区别

2016/02/19 14:34:11 澳际教育 编辑: 浏览次数:1205 移动端
Emory College is a true fit for a student who values academic independence and intellectual engagement. Emory students benefit from having the resources of a dynamic research institution in the city of Atlanta, enhancing their academics and life outside class and providing easy access to hands-on industry access and internship opportunities. Classes are taught by professors who are the leading scholars in their fields, and learning is enriched by a student body that comes to Emory from all around the globe. Students choose from 71 majors, 57 minors, and a variety of preprofessional opportunities, with most students pursuing multiple disciplines of study.
Oxford College is ideal for a student who seeks a small liberal arts college experience and early opportunities for leadership. Distinctive features of Oxford’s intimate academic environment include its faculty—professors who are committed to excellent teaching—and its tight-knit and diverse community. Oxford students benefit from smaller classes, personal interaction between students and professors, and extensive opportunities to get involved, all of which lay the foundation for the specialized work they do when they continue as juniors at Emory's Atlanta campus.
Both colleges will train you to make creative decisions, approach problems from different perspectives, and think compassionately. You’ll gain a solid foundation in the Liberal Arts, which, though it sounds abstract, actually provides a strong launching point for every career. In the video above, our alumni will discuss how the Emory undergraduate experience has helped them succeed and our current faculty and students will talk about mixing practice and theory in the classroom.
  Oxford College是埃默里大学在其老校址开设的两年制文理学院。埃默里对Oxford学院与本部Emory College的描述是“academically equivalent, but environmentally distinct. (学术上等同,环境上不同)”。Oxford学生读完两年后在大三大四可以直接进入埃默里大学的Emory College,也可以选择申请埃默里大学商学院和护士学院,录取时也是给予相等考虑的。
  埃默里大学1919年迁址至亚特兰大,但校方不想将其历史荒废,加之学校本身非常注重文理教育,于是学校决定在原校址开设一个文理学院,即为Oxford College。
  因为毕竟是小型文理学院,资源肯定不能和埃默里大学相比。比如科学实验器材,图书馆,健身房等等。而且因为学校处在比较僻静的地带,社交生活也 会相对单调。不过学校距离埃默里也不算太远,有45英里,开车几十分钟就到了。所以如果有需要,也完全可以利用埃默里的资源,不会错过太多。
        若要上Oxford College需要单独申请,并不是申请了埃默里大学即可。
  SAT 阅读:560 - 650
  SAT 数学:570 - 700
  SAT 写作:560 - 670
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