

香港留学 香港大学留学费用的基本介绍

2017/04/07 11:34:31 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:1178 移动端

申请香港留学的同学越来越多了,申请香港留学前,申请者和家长都比较关注的一个问题就是香港留学费用的问题,下面就给大家说说香港留学费用的问题。下面以香港大学为例来说明,香港其他大学和香港大学费用差别不是很大。 【中国香港留学网 - 中国香港留学费用】香港留学 香港大学留学费用的基本介绍


Program Fee

Tuition fee for intake 2012/13 is HK$128,000, payable in one deposit upon offer acceptance plus two installments at the beginning of each semester.

A caution money of HK$ 300 will also be charged on top of the program fee and is payable in first installment. Charges will be made against the caution money if there is any unpaid claim against the student, such as outstanding library dues. At graduation, the full amount of the caution money will be transferred to cover the graduation fee.

Charges  for non-local students

Student Visa Application

The application and the mailing fee of the student visa is HK$400. Students are expected to settle the fee at the time submitting a visa application via the university.

Compulsory Medical Insurance

A compulsory medical insurance is required for all registered full-time degree-seeking non-local postgraduate students studying at HKUST on student visa/entry permit.

The annual medical insurance fee is HK$561 (subjected to review for intake 2012/13) .Students are expected to settle the fee upon the receipt of the tuition fee debit note (first installment).

Payment Schedule (Intake 2012-13)

InstallmentPayment DeadlineAmount

DepositUpon offer acceptanceHK$15,000

1st InstallmentEarly SeptemberHK$49,000

2nd InstallmentEarly FebruaryHK$64,000


A scholarship ranges from 10-50% of tuition will be awarded to applicants/students with outstanding academic performance. All applicants will automatically be considered.

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