


2014/07/24 11:45:25 编辑: 英国 浏览次数:808 移动端

  学习集团——利兹都会大学(Study Group——Leeds Metropolitan University)2014年9月份招生工作仍在进行中,希望今年9月份入读的同学现在还可以申请。


  Study Group Leeds International Study Centre 仍然接收今年9月份的学生申请(International Year One 课程)

  International Year One at Leeds ISC is your route to year two of a range of exciting degrees at Leeds Metropolitan University!

  How International Year One works for you:

  • The course is equivalent to the first year of an undergraduate degree and specifically designed for international students

  • The course will prepare you for degree study at Leeds Metropolitan University, where you will learn how to succeed in the world of work once you graduate

  • You will live and study in the vibrant and multicultural city of Leeds, one of the most popular student destinations in the UK.


  英国留学咨询:010-65229780 转 英国部 

  • 澳际QQ群:610247479
  • 澳际QQ群:445186879
  • 澳际QQ群:414525537