


2014/08/12 14:18:59 编辑: 英国 浏览次数:716 移动端



  1、诺丁汉大学(The University of Nottingham)

  Food Production Management Masters (MSc) 食品生产管理

  成绩要求: At least a 2nd class honours degree

  雅思要求: 6.5 (with no less than 6.0 in any element)


  • Preservation and Manufacture of Food (食品保存及生产)

  • Core Competences in Food Production Management(食品生产管理的主要能力)

  • Quality Management and Quality Techniques (质量管理及技术)

  • Food Factory Designs and Operations (食品厂设计入运营)

  • Food and Factory Design (食品及工作设计)

  • Supply Chain Management in Practice (供应链管理实践)


  • Food Commodities (食品商品)

  • Perception and Sensory Quality of Food(食品感知及感官品质)

  • Macromolecules (高分子)

  • Introduction to Managing Operations (管理运营介绍)

  • Performance Measurement(业绩评估)

  • Fundamentals of Hydrocolloid Technology(水状胶脂技术基本原理)

  • Food Flavour (食品味道) Managing International Operations (国际管理运作)

  2、利兹大学(University of Leeds) (名校咨询)

  MSc Food Quality and Innovation食品质量和创新 (偏实验操作类型)

  成绩要求: A minimum of a 2.1 BSc qualification or equivalent in a relevant science subject.

  A 10 credit module that addresses methods for measuring sensory, texture, rheology and food structure and their application in research and industry. You will receive practical training in sensory evaluation

  and the use of industry standard computerised sensory tools.

  雅思要求:6.5 with at least 6.0 in all components

  MSc Food Science and Nutrition 食品科学与营养学

  课程介绍:The course addresses current health topics including diabetes, obesity & heart disease, nutrition from an international perspective, antioxidants and their health benits, obesity and dietary assessment methods.

  You also gain knowledge and understanding of the functions of food and nutrients and their relationship to health and disease.


  Modules studied include:

  ■Microbiological and Chemical Food Safety ■Food Processing

  ■Food Chemistry ■Food Processing and Nutritional Quality

  ■Nutrition and Health ■Food Analysis

  ■Functional Foods ■Research Project

  成绩要求:Applicants should normally hold a good BSc second class honours degree or equivalent in a subject relevant to the programme of study.

  雅思要求:6.5 with at least 6.0 in all components

  MSc Food Science (Food Biotechnology) 食品生物技术

  教学模式:Teaching is by lectures, practical classes, tutorials, seminars and supervised research projects. Extensive use is made of IT and a wide range of materials is available to enable students to study at their own pace and

  in their own time to enhance and extend the material taught formally.

  成绩要求:Applicants should normally hold a good BSc second class honours degree or equivalent in a subject relevant to the programme of study.

  雅思要求:6.5 with at least 6.0 in all components


  Modules studied include:

  ■Microbiological and Chemical Food Safety ■Food Processing

  ■Food Chemistry ■Food Processing and Nutritional Quality

  ■Food and the Allergic reaction ■GMOs, Antibodies and PCR

  ■Food Biotechnology ■Research Project

  3、萨里大学(University of Surrey)

  MSc Food Management

  成绩要求:Applicants should usually hold a Bachelors degree (UK Lower Second/2.2 or above) or equivalent qualification from a recognised British/overseas university.

  雅思要求:6.5 or above, with a minimum of 6.0 in each component (or equivalent).


  Modules studied include:

  Consumer Behaviour in the Food Industry Financial Management

  Food Services Marketing Organisational Behaviour

  Policy Issues in the Food Chain Research Methods

  Food Safety and Nutrition Management nnovation and New Product Development

  Travel catering Management





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