


2014/11/09 22:13:55 编辑: 英国 浏览次数:721 移动端


  ATAS全称Academic Technology Approval Scheme,学术技术审核计划

  What is the Academic Technology Approval Scheme?

  The Academic Technology Approval Scheme (ATAS) was introduced on 1 November 2007. It is used to help stop the spread of knowledge and skills that could be used in the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and their means of delivery. This is common with other governments around the world.

  The ATAS is designed to ensure that people who are applying to study certain sensitive subjects in the UK do not have links to WMD programmes.


  Do I Need An ATAS Certificate?

  Does your subject JACS Code begin with any of the following:

  F2 Materials Science -F2

  F3 Physics (including Nuclear Physics) -F3

  H3 Mechanical Engineering -H3

  H4Aerospace Engineering -H4

  J5 Materials Technology not otherwise specified - J5

  If, If Yes, You must apply for your ATAS certificate bore you apply for a visa or extension of stay.

  什么是JACS Code?

  JACS Code:

  To confirm whether you need an ATAS certificate, you will need the relevant JACS code that applies to your course. Your HEI will either include this on your official offer letter or will be able to confirm it separately. Please do not contact the ATAS Unit to ask which JACS code applies to your course. Only your HEI will be able to tell you this information.

  Do not guess at which JACS code is relevant to your studies. If you register with the wrong JACS code it can not be changed. Please ensure you have the right JACS code bore you start your application.

  哪些专业需要ATAS认证呢?一般来说,大学的Offer上都会提醒,主要参考的是申请专业的JACS Code。Offer 上的专业一般都有这个代码。



  如果你所申请的专业 需要提交ATAS申请请一定要在办理签证之前在线提交。拿到审核通过的结果方可办理签证。


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