

英国留学 10种常见的被拒的理由以及argue秘籍

2016/01/04 10:58:12 编辑: 英国 浏览次数:1036 移动端



  “Please be aware that, in common with most of our courses, the XXXXX course has seen an unprecedented increase in the number of applications received this year. It is because of this factor, that we have not been able to make offers to all applicants. It was deemed that your academic qualifications, together with other aspects of your application were not ranked highly enough in comparison with those of other applicants with similar achievements. ”

  Argue 成功指数★:这是最常见的一种被拒说法,看起来很官方很客气,也有说服力,其实就是学校没有看上你,也懒得给理由了。如果你真的很想去这个大学的话,那可以询问学校是否有可能转到其他的相关专业


  “You failed to fulfill the entry requirements because your awarding institution is not ranked highly enough to satisfy our entry criteria.”

  Argue 成功指数★★:这样的回复一般是学校都有明确的排名要求的,Argue的可能性比较渺茫,不过呢!有一种可能性:其实你的大学排名还不错,但是英国看错你的学校名称了;比如你的学校曾经更换过名字,英国大学在排名上找不到你的大学的名字。这种乌龙还是有可能的哈!你只需要写一封言辞恳切的信说明一下,让大学重新审核一下即可。(英国留学申请最全流程表


  “We regret to inform you that we are unable to offer them a place, as it was felt that the application did not meet the entry requirements for the course for the following reason(s):

  Your academic qualification requires to have all modules with a score of above 80 %. You have not achieved the necessary standard.”

  Argue 成功指数★★:这种情况也不妙。如果你属于综合分数没有达到要求,但是如果专业核心课的分数达到或者高于学校要求的话,可以以此为重点,向学校发邮件说明情况。还有就是补交材料,澳际留学专家处理过一个case,学生因为平均分被学校拒绝了,让学生提供了一份完美无瑕的实习工作证明,结果OFFER真的下来了。


  “Unfortunately we are unable to make you an offer as you do not meet our academic requirements. You are currently achieving 80.05% overall which is the equivalent to a low 2:2 & we require a high 2:2 which is 83%. Your average grades from required & relevant modules are 77.33% & 74.07% which is the equivalent to a 3rd. The selector was concerned that you would not be suitable for the course due to the grades you have achieved.”

  Argue 成功指数★:省省吧!Argue不易啊!不过呢,凡是总有例外,除非你可以举证,你这样的分数已经是年级排名TOP3的了。


  “From September 20XX we will no longer be running the XXXXXXX.”

  “Unfortunately the XXXXXXXXXX is closed for both part time and full time applications. Your application has been given carul consideration and on this occasion we are unable to offer you a place on your chosen programme. We have also taken the time to review your application for other Masters programmes at AMBS and unfortunately we are unable to offer you a place.”

  Argue 成功指数★★★:不开放申请,好像一点argue的余地都没有。其实,还是可以问学校是否有其他专业可以代替,因为英国大学的很多专业虽然名字差异很大,但是课程内容还是差不多的。


  “Unfortunately, your application for XXXXXX was unsuccessful because your degree was in an unrelated subject. ”

  Argue 成功指数★★★:这种情况明显就是申请失误了嘛!如果专业有要求背景,你又没有学过相关的课程,那只能是选学校的时候就选错了啊!但是呢!有种情况是,学校需要你学过一些课程,比如数学课什么的,成绩单上体现不出来,澳际留学专家就见过Argue后,学校让出具高中数学成绩单的情况。或者提交你接受过相关培训的证明,强调一下自己的相关工作经历以及相关专业证书等。(全面解析 英国留学关注度最高的八个问题


  “On this occasion I regret to inform you that we are unable to offer you a place. This is because this is a conversion course primarily aimed at students who have not studied XXXXXXXXXX at undergraduate level.”

  Argue 成功指数★★★:这种拒信比较奇葩,因为你学过这样的课程,所以拒你。其实是因为你学过这样的课程,所以本专业对你来说太简单了,不适合你学。当然,如果你非要学习一些简单的课程专业,那么言辞恳切的说明你的意图,Argue试试啦。


  “The reason for this decision is due to the English Language test score you submitted - this does not meet our requirements.”

  “The application has been failed for applicant didn`t pay the application fee.”

  Argue 成功指数★★★★★:说明没有交的理由,正常情况下,补缴申请费或者重新提交合适的雅思成绩即可哈。


  “Your application has been rejected. The admission panels notes; Stated interests and goals would be a better fit for the XXXXXX. ”

  Argue 成功指数★★★★:这个要分析情况哈!如果是你的个人陈述的申请方向写的不明确或者不够好让大学误会了,写封信件说明一下情况,重新提交一份PS,成功率还是很高的哈!但是,如果大学是对于你PS的质量不满意,比如BATH大学的口译专业,拒绝你是因为你的PS的写作水平,那么就没啥说的了!这么顶级的专业全国只招25个中国人,要求高也是正常的。

  10、准确来讲,这一条不算拒信,学校因为某种原因会将学生放在waiting list上:英国留学选校结合专业很重要

  “Competition for entry to postgraduate degree programmes in the XXXX School has intensified in recent years, with more than XXXX applications being received for circa 1,400 places during the last Admissions Cycle (2016 entry to the University).

  Accordingly, attainment of the published Minimum Academic Requirements, Minimum English Language Requirements and Non-Academic Requirements does not guarantee that an applicant will receive an offer. Applicants will be made offers based on their relative performance compared to other applicants, and offers will be made to the top applicants based on the number of places available on their desired degree programme.

  Given this, we are not in a position to make you an offer at this time. Your application is being held, pending review of other applications. You will be advised no later than 31 January 2016 whether or not we will be able to make you an offer.”

  Argue 成功指数★★★★:这种情况下,看似只能等待消息,其实这是唯一一种给你机会argue的拒信。


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