


2017/02/17 15:08:12 编辑: 澳洲 浏览次数:2492 移动端

  澳际教育快讯 新春伊始,蒙纳士大学就发来了三则重要招生调整通知,请有打算留学蒙纳士大学的学生详细进行阅读。

  1. 蒙纳士大学工程学院认为,中国的59所非“211”大学的工程课程和“211”大学的工程课程教学质量达到同等水平。因此,即日起,这“59”所大学的申请者申请Master of Advanced Engineering (高级工程硕士)时,GPA要求与“211”大学的申请者一致。


  2. 为了给学生提供更加优质的学习环境,文凭课程(Monash College Diploma)打包的MEB课程将永久搬到墨尔本市中心校区(City Campus)。第一批受到影响的是目前在读20周MEB课程的和即将入读3月20日开学的10周MEB课程的学生。


  这次的决定将对学生可能产生影响,目前已经在读的学生,蒙纳士大学将一一书面告知,学生也有机会和Learning and Teaching团队的老师交流,来讨论由于校区变更可能带来的一些担忧。

  已经获得有条件录取,或者还未接受offer的, 学生将会收到一封更新的Offer。


  3. MUFY Standard 语言要求将做调整

  Monash College has advised of the change to the English requirement for MUFY Standard for students starting in January 2018 onwards. This change has been updated on the intranet and will be applied for new applications received from the 1st of March 2017.

  Conditional offfers already in the pipeline will be honoured with the old English requirement.

  Monash College currently outlines the IELTS requirements for MUFY Standard as:

  Overall 5.5 with a minimum of 5.5 in writing.

  New Requirements:

  Academic IELTS: Overall 5.5, Writing 5.5 with no band less than 5.0

  TOEFL Paper Based (pBT): Total score of 471 with 4.5 in Test of Written English

  TOEFL internet Based iBT): Total score of 52 with 19 in Writing , 5 in Listening, 5 in Reading and 14 in Speaking.

  Pearsons Test of English (PTE) Academic: Overall score of 42 with 42 in Writing Communicative Skills with

  no other communicative skills score below 36

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