One copy uploaded with the Rackham Graduate School Application. Additionally, one official academic transcript should be mailed directly from each institution where you have earned or will earn a degree. Include your date of birth or U-M ID# with each academic record/transcript to aid in matching your document to your application. (How to Submit your Transcript)
Additional information about transcripts can be found HERE
Curriculum Vitae:
CV or Resume:
Curriculum vitae or resume
Personal Statement:
Academic Statement of Purpose:
Written Academic Statement of Purpose, a summary of your professional interests, including the goals and accomplishments of your coursework, research, and relevant work experience
Recommendation Letter:
Letters of Recommendation:
Three letters of recommendation (Note: The Rackham Recommendation for Admission Form is required to be included with each letter that is submitted)
Additional information about recommendation letters can be found HERE
To check the status of your letters of recommendation or resend the notification email, use the ApplyWeb Activity Page
Personal Statement:
Personal Statement:
Written Personal Statement
邮寄地址:Rackham Graduate School Attn: Transcripts/UMID# or Transcripts/Date of Birth, 915 E. Washington Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1070