Transcripts. Please scan your official or unofficial transcripts and upload them with your online application. This will be sufficient for the Department's admissions file and is our preferred method of receiving your transcripts.** Please include transcripts from institutions from which you received a degree or from which you took courses relevant to your application. (If you decide to have your transcripts mailed to the Department rather than upload them, we must receive them by the due date of January 5. Please order them well ahead of time to make sure they reach us by the deadline.)
In addition to uploading your transcript to the online application, all applicants are required to mail 1 set of official academic records/transcripts from the institution awarding a Bachelor's, Master's, Professional and/or Doctoral degree to the Rackham Graduate School. Please see their guidelines on submitting transcripts to Rackham.
If you attended a non-U.S. institution submit this form with the academic records/transcripts.
**Should you receive and accept an offer of admission, you will be required to then submit a set of official transcripts to the Program before you begin classes in September.
Curriculum Vitae:
Curriculum Vitae (CV) or Résumé. This should list the colleges and universities you have attended, as well as teaching experience, research, publications, talks given, special programs, honors and awards, languages, relevant coursework, and any other pertinent information. Upload at the Résumé or CV page of the online application.
Personal Statement:
Statement of Purpose. Briefly explain the nature of your study in ancient history or related fields, your primary areas of interest, what studies you would like to pursue in graduate school, and whether there are any Michigan faculty with whom you would especially like to work. It is extremely helpful to the Admission Committee to have the clearest idea possible of your interests. The Statement of Purpose should demonstrate the match between the research and teaching interests of the faculty and the applicant. Be as precise as possible in describing your research interests, including area, period, topic or approach, as well as the intellectual issues and historical subjects you wish to explore. Brief background information may also be included. There is no specific page limit, but most applicants provide about 2-3 pages. Upload at the Statement of Purpose page of the online application.
Recommendation Letter:
Three letters of recommendation. Make sure that you register your recommenders when you fill out the online application. Please make sure that you register three recommenders when you fill out the online application even if you don't yet know who the third will be. If you only enter one or two and click submit you will be unable to go in the ApplyWeb system and enter a third later. We recommend that you enter a placeholder name which you will be able to go in and change in ApplyWeb under Review Your Activity. If you or your recommenders will be submitting letters of recommendation by paper, click on this Letters of Recommendation form, which should accompany all letters. Please send letters directly to the Program via US Mail.
Personal Statement:
How have your background and life experiences, including cultural, geographical, financial, educational or other opportunities or challenges, motivated your decision to pursue a graduate degree in ancient history at the University of Michigan? For example, if you grew up in a community where educational, cultural, or other opportunities were either especially plentiful or especially lacking, you might discuss the impact this had on your development and interests. This should be a discussion of the journey that has led to your decision to seek a graduate degree in ancient history. Please do not repeat your Statement of Purpose. Upload at the Personal Statement page of the online application.
Scholarly Writing Sample :
Your writing sample should be a research paper that demonstrates your research interests and academic capabilities: a term paper (ideally, but not necessarily, from a history class) or an excerpt from a thesis. Writing samples should be no more than 20 double-spaced pages. Please upload your writing sample to the online application.
邮寄地址:Rackham Graduate School Attn: Transcripts/UMID# or Transcripts/Date of Birth, 915 E. Washington Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1070